Mouse auto clicker for mac os x
Mouse auto clicker for mac os x

*)on run - Write a message into the event log. (* Required: Paintbrush Optional: Play Sound the XTools scripting addition gives AppleScript the ability to move the mouse.

#Mouse auto clicker for mac os x code#

clickdrag -x pixels -y pixels//#import #import int main(int argc, char *argv) Here is the applescript code to test clickdrag. I called it clickdrag> // File: // clickdrag.m//// clickdrag will drag the "mouse" from the current cursor position to// the given coordinates.//// derived from:// &// Requires:// xtools//// Compile with: // gcc -o clickdrag clickdrag.m -framework ApplicationServices -framework Foundation//// Usage://. Such is life when scripting the unscriptable. The only gotcha here is that scripts that invoke this will likely break if they are then used on a machine with a different screen size. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who needs to script mouse events, so hopefully this will brighten somebody's day. It is a very short program that does one simple task. Don't be intimidated by needing to compile this as there are more comments than code. Then compile the program by typing gcc -o click click.m -framework ApplicationServices -framework Foundation. Save the above code as click.m, open Terminal, and switch to the folder where you saved the source. So, we feed coordinates to CGPostMouseEvent, put the mouse there, CGPostMouseEvent( CGPoint mouseCursorPosition, Here, X and Y distance from upper left, in pixels. Int x = [args y = [args The data structure CGPoint represents a point in a two-dimensional grabs command line arguments -x and -y

mouse auto clicker for mac os x

At the given coordinates it will click and release. gcc -o click click.m -framework ApplicationServices -framework Foundation I think this could even be modified to click, hold, and drag, but I haven't taken it that far because I don't need to. It takes coordinates as command line arguments, moves the mouse to that position, then clicks and releases the mouse button. What I wrote is a little command-line app called click that invokes CGPostMouseEvent from the CGRemoteOperation.h header file. I'm a scripting guy, and I just wanted to be able to write a script.

mouse auto clicker for mac os x mouse auto clicker for mac os x

This is my first time writing anything that even resembles Cocoa, and my first time writing code that compiles in nearly 10 years. I just about went crazy trying to find a way to write a simple script with coordinates for mouse click events.There's nothing available within AppleScript for pushing the mouse around, and I couldn't find any command-line utilities either. Recently, I was given the unpleasant task of automating actions in such unfriendly apps. This means AppleScript can't find buttons, etc., to click on, and you're out of luck trying to automate actions. Unfortunately, not all apps use an Aqua interface, especially games with game-engine-rendered interface elements. Most OS X apps can have their interface elements accessed by AppleScript, and so anything can be scripted.

Mouse auto clicker for mac os x